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WWW.FRENCH4ME.NET # THE BEST PLACE TO LEARN FRENCH Discover my premium platform with 1000's of videos, exercices, pdfs, audio files, apps, e-books to learn French: http://www.french4me.net The platform is updated regularly, so be sure to visit it from...

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Tag(s) : #Verbes

LES ARTICLES - exercices - Les articles définis Sous chaque dessin, réécris le nom avec le bon article défini http://www.ortholud.com/orthographe/le/1.php Le, la, l' ou les ? http://go.hrw.com/activities/frameset.html?main=1760.html http://www.klbict.co.uk/interactive/french/fvoc_lela.htm...

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Tag(s) : #Grammaire